Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bloody Valentine; the week after

This post is going to be mostly visual rather than texty. My Ghost N' Goblins army (hereafter to be known as 'Operation: FAIL') experienced some complications in the final stages of completion and didn't make it to the table. The terrain all did, fortunately, and seemed to be a hit with everyone, and the tournament itself proved to be a success for the club and a fun time for the players involved.

Here are some pics of the final stages of the terrain building and army painting process.

This is Bigg Deff and Lyttl Deff in the final unpainted and painted versions

Next is the construction of the Goblin Queen's chariot, which was to be the centerpiece of the army. It finished assembly but no paint ever made it onto the finished mini, other than the black spraycoat.

Below are the progress photos of the display base for my army. It made it to about 90% completion before I ran out of time

Below is the winter terrain boards about midway through construction. They ended up not being used, but I think they'll be seeing lots of use at the club in 40K games and future tournaments.
Here is a shot of the pyramid with an early stage of one of the desert boards.

And below you can see the finished desert boards and oasis piece, along with the state our living room and dining room had been in the past couple weeks.

And here are some pics of some of the tables at the tournament on Sunday.

And finally, a few pics of some of the really nicely painted armies at the tournament.