It started with the name I gave my burger franchise in Cityville (and thanks again Arlin for adding another 15 minutes to my daily video game regimen)
Then today as I was thinking about my Car Wars "Hell next 5 exits" arena I planning for my next project, I realized I would have to put a Hellburgers in there.
Right now some of you are thinking "First Blood Bowl, then Malifaux, and now CAR WARS?!? Has he lost his mind?". To that my reply in three parts is: A)What took you so long to notice?, 2) The one good thing about not being able to play lately is that it's easier to to work on things off the beaten path where I would otherwise have a tendancy to work on games that more people actually played, and 5)I have some family members who are big racing fans that are coming to visit this winter and I'm thinking Car Wars might be a game I may be able to get them into.

I was in the car on my way home and by the time I pulled into the garage, I had come up with the logo-sign, which I sketched as soon as I walked in the door, as well as a slogan and a bunch of menu items. The slogan, which appears under the sign, is "sometimes you just gotta say 'what the hell'"
The whopper/big mac equivalent would be El Diablo, and you could get it by itself or as part of a Helluva Deal Value Meal with a cola and Hell in a Handbasket o' Fries
Other menu items include 8th Circle Onion Rings, Hot as Hell Buffalo Wings, and for dessert, Hell Freezes Over with milkshakes and sundaes.
I may put a few advertisements of menu items on the restaurant windows and possibly on a billboard or two. Feel free to add some more items to the Hellburgers menu if you think of any.
I'm still at the planning and estimating materials cost stage of this one, but once I start actually working on it, I'll do another post with some pics.