Sunday, December 29, 2013
Monday, December 9, 2013
Back from the Grave
Back From the
So it’s been a crazy couple months since I got back from my visit back
home but I’m trying to put the pieces back together of my failed BFS army and
also tie up some loose hobby projects before the New Year. So get ready for a massive update.
Wall of Text
Article: This is something I had been
working on sporadically for the past three or four months and I finally
finished last week and it’s up on the boards now. (The first half at least; the damn thing was
so long Rod thought we should make it into two articles)
The Kabal of the
Snake Headed Mountain: Sadly
once there was no more tournament to bring them to I lost a lot of steam and
life got in the way for a few weeks as well, but I had been making some
incremental progress and now I’m planning on making a big push to finish
everything. Snake Mountain is mostly
base painted now and I’m in the process of painting the lava effects. Once that’s done it’s just doing the detail
painting and adding some details like a couple of gates/doors and a
bridge. I nailed down the color schemes
I want for the different transports, and have started mixing up colors and
painting the two old school raiders by brush.
I’m hoping to be able to use my crummy airbrush to at least put down the
main hull colors on the newer raiders and ravagers, and would like to have a
first coat on all of those by the end of this weekend if possible.
There’s a
weekend long tournament in Orlando in February that I’m planning on bringing
them to, and I’m going to try to have them finished by the new year or shortly
after so I don’t have to try and scramble to meet another deadline again.
The Pledge: I kind of lost track so I’ll have to go
through everything and do a final tally, since I know I didn’t buy too much
this year. I was “in the black” for most
of the year, but then I picked up the Dark Vengeance set a couple months ago
and that screwed me up a little. And so the next few weeks I’m going to try and
finish some projects that got left 95% completed when the BFS army started
taking over, like my huge 30+ plague monk unit with furnace, my gatorman posse
and Maelok for Hordes and Collodi’s warband for Malifaux. Just doing those should put me back in black.
Malifaux: I’ve had
Collodi’s crew 90% done for the better part of a year now and I’d really like
to get them finished. I really
want to get back into this game since I’ve always really loved the models and
the game system and now with second edition being released they’re doing a lot
now at he place in Kissimmee. And also
with Malifaux being supported at the newly opened Gamers Gambit up there, I
figure some people in the club might be getting into the game soon and I’d love
to play it with you guys since they do have a Malifaux module now on Vassal.
Blindwater: Working on getting my Blindwater
Congregation for Hordes up to 50 pts.
There’s a steamroller coming up in a couple weeks in Tampa that I might
try to bring them too, but mainly I want to finish with them so I can move on
to other War Machine stuff, as I’ve been wanting to try Menoth since I’ve had
the starter set painted all this time and think it might work well with my play
style (better than Cryx anyway) The
gatorman posse is done and just in need of a protective coat and basing, Maelok
is pretty much base coated and just needs all the detail work and
highlights/shading. The witch doctor and
boneswarm are currently black primered with nothing else.
The Grey Knights: I’m really
trying to get away from painting armies for deadlines, because it keeps me from
playing, and I’m not going to make any friends down here if I’m not frequenting
the places that people game at. To do
that I need to get myself to a place where I can use an unpainted army and not
give a damn. One of the ways I’ve
decided to do this is to only play in Tampa with unfinished 40K armies. From what I’ve seen of the tournaments I’ve
participated in at the place down there, they don’t give any points or prizes
for painting, so it should help me be able to bring an ‘army in progress’
without beating myself up over it. I’m
going to think of it as my farm league.
I’ve been bouncing around space marines for a while, and got as far as
coming up with a chapter color scheme and painting a unit up a couple years
back, but hadn’t done much other than slowly accumulate stuff. With the Dark
Vengeance set, I now have enough for an 1800 pt list, which I’ve decided to
play as Gray Knights because they’re a fairly new codex and also because
they’ve got the witch-hunter stuff. (yes to any of you who think I’m going soft
by finally playing a [technically] non-evil faction, my concept is very
inquisition themed, meaning they like to set people on fire very much, just in
case they might be consorting with creatures of the warp)
I picked up some bitz on ebay and have been working on doing minor
conversions to the space marines and terminators to bring them in line with
sword bearing theme.I’m planning on making the swords all aflame with green stuff, but that will be the last step before painting, which will be whenever I get around to it. In the meantime, I want to use them to get back into the game since I still haven’t played 6th edition yet. I probably won’t do any more work on them till after the holidays because I won’ be able to use them for a month or two, since this month’s RTT is 2500 pts which is way over the models I have available. Fortunately, I have a plan B.
Da Bengal Boyz is
Kommin!! (to the tune of the Vengabus): My mecha heavy ork army has been sitting
in a half finished state for a couple years now. They were never meant to be incredibly well
painted – I just had a lot of the stuff already and always liked the whole
goofy Dick Dastardly and his Flying Machines gone to Thunderdome look and fun
feel of the Orks in 40K. I had always
planned on doing a limited color base coat-drybrush-wash-done. The two HQs are
big conversion jobs and those two are the only ones I was ever planning on
going the extra mile with the painting to try and make them showcase pieces. Presently the boyz and nobs are done, the
killa kans, dredds and battlewagons have the base color (orange with black
tiger stripes) airbrushed on already and the deffkoptas, bikers and scratch
built skorcha buggies are assembled and primed with chaos black.

The conversion work on the HQs is almost
done. I can cover the 2500 pts for the
Dec 21 RTT in Tampa with them and really only care about having them all on the
proper bases and packed in a couple toolboxes, but if I could get three colors
on each of them in the next few weeks, that would be nice, and also help me
along on the Pledge at the same time.
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