Which brings me to my Baron Zemo conversion.

With me so far? Good.
Now any comic book fan worth his salt knows that nobody stays dead in comic books. The title of this post, ‘Bucky Dead’ is a comic geek’s term for a state of permanent death in comics, since Bucky had stayed dead for over 40 years. When someone was Bucky Dead, they weren’t going to be coming back. For instance, everyone had always thought Norman Osborn (the original Green Goblin) was Bucky Dead, since he stayed dead for a good 25+ years, before crappy writers and editors, who weren’t happy with how much they had already buried the Spiderman series with the god-awful ‘Clone Saga’ in the late 90’s, decided to bring poor Norman back from the dead.
After Norman Osborn was ‘unkilled’ in comics, it was down to just Bucky, Uncle Ben (no, not the guy on the rice box, the guy who was Spiderman’s uncle, who was killed by the burglar who Spiderman had let esca – you know what, if you don’t know this one, you’re probably not enough of a geek to be reading this blog to begin with), and Jason Todd, the second Robin, who was killed by the Joker in the late 80’s. Interesting thing about JT’s death was that it was the result of a fan poll. Jason beaten to a pulp by the Joker and strapped to a bomb in a warehouse and at the end of the issue they listed two hotline numbers. One to call in if you wanted him to live, the other to call if you wanted to see him dead. Fans wholeheartedly wanted to waste the brat.
So Jason Todd is dead, Uncle Ben is dead, and Bucky is dead.
Really dead.
Permanent dead.
Raid kills bugs dead.
Cut to 2006, when the current folks at Marvel comics, they of the ‘Spiderman makes a deal with Satan to save the life of 126 year old Aunt May’ storyline (oh and I only wish I were joking), brought back Bucky. Not to be outdone in the stupidity department, the boys over at DC brought back Jason Todd the same year.
So now I guess it’s just ‘Uncle Ben dead’.
Sorry for that long departure/rant. Back to Zemo.

(okay, so I guess it’s ‘Baron Zemo Dead’ too)
His son, Helmut (the original was Heinrich) comes around in the 70’s and takes up his father’s mantle and is now a well known villain and sometime leader of the popular villain-turned-hereoes team, the Thunderbolts. But enough about Helmut. Flames of War is a WWII game, so I couldn’t sneak him in there. Sorry Hel.
I love playing the villains, and just about all my wargaming armies are evil ones; undead, daemons, evil robots, forces of chaos, etc. What brought me to Flames of War was the idea of doing a very comic-y, popcorn cinema Nazi army, forgoing historical accuracy in order to discard the idea that any of these soldiers could be non-party members who didn’t want to be out there fighting any more than anyone else did, and also to not go into the unspeakable horrors we all know the Nazis committed.
Basically, to keep things ‘popcorn’ or Rated PG. Because in fiction, especially fairly light hearted fiction like comic books and popcorn movies, Nazis make for great villains. I think this is because you don’t have to spend a lot of time going into what makes the villain so evil. As soon as we learn the villain is a Nazi, we already know he’s evil, so we can move on with the plot without having to show the villain doing really nasty evil stuff that might darken the tone of the story. Also, knowing the villains are Nazis – and therefore evil – lets us watch the good guys mow them down throughout the movie without the film getting a gritty Sam Peckinpah feel. Raiders of the Lost Ark, Last Crusade, Kelly’s Heroes, the Rocketeer, and Dirty Dozen are good examples of the Nazis used this way in films, and even in Star Wars, the Nazi similarities of Darth Vader’s bad guys – along with the fact that they blow up a planet full of innocent people a third of the way into the first film – allows you not to care when the stormtroopers are getting gunned down and blown up en masse by the heroes throughout the series.
So for my conversion project – and I promise I’m actually going to start talking about building the model soon – I decided to use Baron Zemo as part of a diorama that would function in the game as an objective marker. The objective marker is what the other player is trying to capture. In a typical game of Flames of War, there are several of them in play. They are often represented by a model of a destroyed tank, or crashed plane. My idea was to model an iconic scene from the Captain America mythos and use it as one of my objective markers.

Now with the idea in my mind, it was onto the conversion work. For the Baron himself, I started with a German soldier about to throw a stick bomb while holding a rifle by the barrel in his other hand. The rifle barrel made an excellent lever for him to pull on the drone plane’s control panel (made from bits of sprue and a small plate from a 40K Ork vehicle kit), while the grenade was easily cut off to leave just his clenched fist, which was repositioned into a dastardly fist-waving pose by carefully bending the metal. Most of his head I carved or shaved away with a hobby knife or file, and I did the same with his backpack. I then proceeded to sculpt Zemo’s garish costume with green stuff from Games-Workshop.
For the drone plane I used a cheap toy version of a modern jet plane. It was a slightly smaller scale than Flames of War models, which worked to my advantage to help disguise the actual jet. I also carved and shortened the wings and fins, and also added a toothpick spine to the nose of the plane, and a sewing pin antenna (wanted to make the remote control obvious, with that and the matching antenna on Zemo’s control panel)
Cap and Bucky were made from more German soldiers, carefully chopped, filed, and sawed, with green stuff hair instead of helmets. They were trussed to the plane with thin wire. For the base of the model, I used a square large monster base from Warhammer. The launching ramp for the plane was made from plastic model railroad bits. The base was coated in gray pumice, and after it dried, I added some wires to look like cables going across the ground leading to the drone plane’s control panel.
The painting went well with Zemo - I was happy with the how well the colors I mixed matched the page from the comic I was using as a reference. The plane was a little trickier. In the comic, the drone plane is actually British, and is commandeered by the Nazi villain, but I thought the Zemo reference was already obscure enough (especially since Cap and Bucky aren’t in their usual costumes), so I decided to make it a Nazi drone plane in order to make it less confusing.
With the swastika on the plane, everyone will understand that Zemo is a bad guy, and the people strapped to the plane are members of the allied forces. I realize I still suck at freehand drawing with a paintbrush when I tried doing swastikas on the wings (since you can’t see both sides of the tailfins at the same time, it isn’t as important that they match exactly) so painted over them and added Totenkopf decals that I’d been using for the rest of the army (I figured that symbol would be appropriate for a Nazi force that was led by the Red Skull).
And here is the finished product. I’m very happy with it, though I will probably at some point do some little touch ups and detail work on the plane and the two prisoners, and add some details like lichen scrub bushes to the ground on the base.
Cap and Bucky were made from more German soldiers, carefully chopped, filed, and sawed, with green stuff hair instead of helmets. They were trussed to the plane with thin wire. For the base of the model, I used a square large monster base from Warhammer. The launching ramp for the plane was made from plastic model railroad bits. The base was coated in gray pumice, and after it dried, I added some wires to look like cables going across the ground leading to the drone plane’s control panel.
The painting went well with Zemo - I was happy with the how well the colors I mixed matched the page from the comic I was using as a reference. The plane was a little trickier. In the comic, the drone plane is actually British, and is commandeered by the Nazi villain, but I thought the Zemo reference was already obscure enough (especially since Cap and Bucky aren’t in their usual costumes), so I decided to make it a Nazi drone plane in order to make it less confusing.
And here is the finished product. I’m very happy with it, though I will probably at some point do some little touch ups and detail work on the plane and the two prisoners, and add some details like lichen scrub bushes to the ground on the base.