Over six months after the date of the tournament they were needed by, the Ghosts N' Goblins have finally hit the tabletop. The main units I had needed to finish were the trolls and the Goblyn Queen on her chariot, and then a bunch of pumpkins to mix in with the night goblin bases.
I spent some time in the past couple weeks working on it all, and then finally got to bring them out for a game against my friend and frequent tabletop nemesis, Bob.

Tonight Bob brought his new Warriors of Chaos list and we slugged it out. Things were looking fairly good for me going into turn 3, but after that my winds of fortune changed starting with the Goblyn Queen blowing her own head up casting a spell. It ended up a solid win for Bob, but we both felt the list performed well and both had a good time with the battle.
Most fun for me was the plethora of goblin fanatics (my ghost) which were on the field at once around the halfway point of the game. Since the idea of all of the fanatics were my core concept for the army, I was very pleased with this, and my scratch built ghosts looked great all over the battlefield!
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