Our next club painting competition is this Friday, and the theme this time is a unit of miniatures for either Warhammer Fantasy, 40K, or Flames of War.
Since I've been toying around with beastmen lately, and had already started building a unit of them, I decided to submit them for the competition, since the conversion and sculpting work had already been done, so for once I could just concentrate on the painting.
h the new edition of Warhammer Fantasy that came out this summer sort of pushing the game towards larger masses of troops, I had begun to think of a better way of doing things. I hate painting lots of the same miniature and I also hate having to spend an hour of prep time before and after each game putting away each miniature of a 40 man unit. When I played at a GT tournament with my zombie horde army (120+ zombie miniatures) I spent all of my time in between games setting up all my zombies into units.
So I decided to do 'thematic bases', where I put cool thematic elements in place of some of the models in the unit, and also combine bases to make large blocks which each contain several different bases. So this 40 man unit of beastman for instance, only has 12 different pieces which need to be put together on the table or in a movement tray, rather than having to line up 40 different beastman models.
The beastmen themselves are a box from the previous edition which contained a mix of gors and the smaller ungors. Again, I prefer idea of the mixed unit to separate units, so I used all of them together to form the unit.
I did a Vermin Fur drybrush on the fur and then washed the fur with Devlan Mud and the skin with Ogre Flesh.
I did a final drybrush of Bestial Brown/Bleached Bone on the fur and a Tallarn Flesh highlight on the skin, followed by a further highlight of Tallarn Flesh/Bleached Bone.
Hooves I did with a very dark grey mix of Chaos Black and Skull White, then a Denab Stone extreme highlight.
The belts were Bestial Brown/Chaos Black with a Graveyard Earth highlight.
The wrappings were Snakebite Leather with Bleached Bone highlight followed by a Devlan Mud Wash.
The loincloths were a mix of Knarloc Green and Camo Green, washed with Bedab Black, and given multiple highlights of the original coat with an increasing amount of Bleached Bone mixed in.
The loincloths were a mix of Knarloc Green and Camo Green, washed with Bedab Black, and given multiple highlights of the original coat with an increasing amount of Bleached Bone mixed in.
Bones and skulls were Snakebite Leather followed by a Bubonic Brown drybrush and a final Bleached Bone drybrush.
Teeth were Bleached Bone, followed by a Red Ink wash and a drybrush of Skull White.
I've done the bases with a Graveyard Earth/Scorched Brown/Chaos Black coat followed by a Graveyard Earth drybrush. There are now just some fun extra details on the miniatures if I want to do them, some work on the sorcerer character, thematic scenery like the large boulder and deadfall and then basing stuff and details on the trees.
This is kind of a weird feeling for me because it's so close to being done with 3 days to go till the day of the competition. It's a good thing I've got so much packing to get done or I wouldn't know what to do with myself!
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