And here is an idea of what the finished rotons will look like when they're carrying the evil warriors that function as kabalite trueborn. These babies were completely built from scratch and then the pieces molded and cast. This pic was before I did the edge highlights on the black, and I still have about an hour or two to do on them, including finishing the bases, the cockpit interiors, and touching up the yellow smoke/gas. I've also been working on the visual army list I'm going to have for my own reference and also give to each opponent for their reference and as a kind of souvenier.
It's going to be on legal paper with two sides and laminated when it's done and basically is intended as a visual reference for what models are what in the army and what upgrades are given to each model and unit. I'll also have the printed Army Builder list for the stats and points, of course. I haven't gotten a recent pic of Snake Mountain, but there's not a lot of progress since the last couple that I've posted (I think the last one I posted had the base coat of paint laid down with the lava falls completed and the first couple coats of paint on the lava) Right now I've been washing the lava with Bloodletter red to get it to look more like lava, as Mrs. Carnivean keeps saying it still doesn't look like lava. After I'm planning on adding a resin coat with a slight tint to it. Any ideas on the color and ratio I should use? I know some of you have done a lot more with the resin effects than I have. I'm using the two part stuff that I know Tim and Tom have used in the past. Here's the army list itself, which is based off my original list and incorporating some of the suggestions Bob had made before BFS. It's submitted already, so locked in, but any strategy tips and advice would be greatly appreciated, as I still haven't played a game of 40K in two years. 2000 Pts - Dark Eldar Roster - Kabal of the Snake Headed Mountain Total Roster Cost: 1998 HQ: Baron Sathonyx (1#, 105 pts) 1 Baron Sathonyx, 105 pts HQ: Haemonculus (1#, 50 pts) 1 Haemonculus, 50 pts Troops: Hellion (15#, 275 pts) 14 Hellion, 224 pts = 14 * 16 1 Helliarch, 51 pts = (base cost 26 + Phantasm Grenade Launcher 20 + Power Weapon 5) Troops: Wracks (11#, 220 pts) 9 Wracks, 110 pts = 9 * 10 (base cost 10) + Liquifier Gun x2 20 1 Acothyst, 25 pts = (base cost 20) + Venom Blade 5 1 Raider, 85 pts = (base cost 60) + Torment Grenade Launchers 5 + Night Shields 10 + Flickerfield 10 Troops: Wracks (11#, 220 pts) 9 Wracks, 110 pts = 9 * 10 (base cost 10) + Liquifier Gun x2 20 1 Acothyst, 25 pts = (base cost 20) + Venom Blade 5 1 Raider, 85 pts = (base cost 60) + Torment Grenade Launchers 5 + Night Shields 10 + Flickerfield 10 Troops: Kabalite Warriors (6#, 130 pts) 5 Kabalite Warriors, 60 pts = 5 * 9 (base cost 9) + Blaster x1 15 1 Raider, 70 pts = (base cost 60) + Night Shields 10 Troops: Kabalite Warriors (6#, 130 pts) 5 Kabalite Warriors, 60 pts = 5 * 9 (base cost 9) + Blaster x1 15 1 Raider, 70 pts = (base cost 60) + Night Shields 10 Troops: Kabalite Warriors (6#, 130 pts) 5 Kabalite Warriors, 60 pts = 5 * 9 (base cost 9) + Blaster x1 15 1 Raider, 70 pts = (base cost 60) + Night Shields 10 Elite: Kabalite Trueborn (4#, 121 pts) 3 Kabalite Trueborn, 56 pts = 3 * 12 (base cost 12) + Splinter Cannon x2 20 1 Venom, 65 pts = (base cost 55) + Night Shields 10 Elite: Kabalite Trueborn (4#, 121 pts) 3 Kabalite Trueborn, 56 pts = 3 * 12 (base cost 12) + Splinter Cannon x2 20 1 Venom, 65 pts = (base cost 55) + Night Shields 10 Elite: Kabalite Trueborn (4#, 121 pts) 3 Kabalite Trueborn, 56 pts = 3 * 12 (base cost 12) + Splinter Cannon x2 20 1 Venom, 65 pts = (base cost 55) + Night Shields 10 Heavy Support: Ravager (1#, 125 pts) 1 Ravager, 125 pts = (base cost 105) + Night Shields 10 + Flickerfield 10 Heavy Support: Ravager (1#, 125 pts) 1 Ravager, 125 pts = (base cost 105) + Night Shields 10 + Flickerfield 10 Heavy Support: Ravager (1#, 125 pts) 1 Ravager, 125 pts = (base cost 105) + Night Shields 10 + Flickerfield 10 Validation Report: 1. Dark Eldar Army: Kabal; c-1. File Version: 1.29 For Bug Reports/; b-1. Roster Options: Named or Special Characters; a-1. Scenario: Normal Mission; b-2. Levels of Alliance: Battle Brothers Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules Composition Report: HQ: 2 (1 - 2) Elite: 3 (0 - 3) Troops: 6 (2 - 6) Fast: 0 (0 - 3) Heavy: 3 (0 - 3) Fort: 0 (0 - 1) Created with Army Builder® - Try it for free at And here's the punch list, which I will try to update as I go and can kind of be viewed as a companion piece to my two Wall of Text articles to show what goes into getting a complicated army with display base ready for a tournament and the enormity of the undertaking I was attempting with this particular army. Kabal of the Snake Headed Mountain Punch list - red washes on lava - resin coat on lava - finish painting OOP raiders - finish painting rotons - airbrush yellow smoke - airbrush raiders x3 - paint raiders x3 (basically the highlights and details. Not using the crew models since the kabalite warriors are all pegged to fit in the raider while being transported) - finish painting ravagers x3 (airbrush coat is already done and crew are already painted - finish assemble snake mountain bridge - paint snake mountain bridge (the bridge is magnetized (and will be pegged as well)to fit in place so will not be permantly attached - assemble snake mountain doors x2 - install snake mountain doors x2 - assemble snake mountain portuculis - install snake mountain portculis - drill and peg vehicles to mountain (I had magnetized the rotons and OOP raiders but they're just too heavy to hold, so I'm going to drill the bottoms of their custom bases and make removable pegs that will fit down into the top of the mountain and hold them in place a little better, as right now I'm seeing a potential catastrophe any time the display base gets jostled a little) - Finish painting Snake Mountain (have to do some of the detail stuff, the touch-ups, and the highlight coats, as well as the name plaque/scroll at the base. Mrs. Carnivean wants to help with this as she had done the highlights and finishing on the Ghosts N' Goblins base and really enjoyed it) - make Dragstor smoke effects (basically he's going to have a trail of exhaust smoke behind him attached to his base and to the base of the raider he's travelling with) - finish painting Grizzlor, Modulok, Evil Lyn, Tri-Klops, and Manntenna (mainly just touch-ups - they were all almost finished when I bailed last time) - finish wrack and trueborn bases (most have been done already, but the last batch of characters I was working on still need their bases done) - finish painting hellions (mostly done from before - they just need the last couple highlights) - finish kabalite warrior bases and feet and separate into numbered baggies (an explanation here; since the warriors are all pegged with paper clip pieces to fit into the raiders and then onto the magnetized bases, they kind of have to be matched with the correct base to fit well. Since there are fifteen of them, this could lead to problems. To solve this, I've painted the undersides of each foot with a unique pair of colors which will corespond to the unique pair of colors the bottoms of each base are painted with. To further help, each five man raider crew and their bases will be in a separate numbered ziplock baggie and their raider will have the corresponding number on its belly, so that way when the crew disembarks, I can throw the bases down on the table immediately to show placement and add the models while my opponent is rolling/moving models/etc so as not to use up time. I'll be using the same strategy with the wracks and trueborn, putting the bases in different baggies corresponding to their transports. The character names are all on the bases, so it'll be easy to know who goes on what base) - finish visual army list (basically involves adding the rest of the pictures, doing a background and sprucing up the title font, then printing and laminating them at Staples) - Select montage pictures (I should explain here. I want to have the flat backside of Snake Mountain decorated with pictures of the army in progress so people can see that all the non-GW minis were scrach sculpts rather than stuff from another line, and also to show off the work that went into the army. It's going to have a black border/frame with a shattered mirror pattern) - Trace snake mountain back and cut foamcore, posterboard, and clear plastic for montage(white foamcore for the backing, onto which the pictures will be affixed, with the clear plastic - thin sheets used in some poster frames - and then the black posterboard frame over top. Since Snake Mountain is in three stackable pieces, the montage will be made up of three sections, each of which will affix to the back of the mountain pieces. - Create picture montage and cut out windows in frame (this project I'm going to give to Mrs. Carnivean as it's the kind of thing she likes to do) - Glue finished montage to backside of display base
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