Monday, August 23, 2010

Brothers Grimm Fantasy Tournament 8/22/10

Yesterday I went to a WFB tournament held at Brothers Grimm in Long Island. A bunch of my fellow club members had been to previous tournaments there and had great things to say, so I was really looking forward to finally getting to do one.

I carpooled with my Ordo-Ineptus friends Bob and Eric.

Bob took first place with his daemon horde.

Eric and Sean (another Ordo-Ineptus member that participated)Sean also did well representing the club with 2-1 records (and an amazing comeback victory for Sean after losing 1000 points of his army in the first turn)

And I won Player's Choice for my Ghosts N' Goblins army, which more than made up for my 0-3 record (my ghoulies and beasties are lovers, not fighters!)

The tournament had a great turnout with over 20 players, and the organizers over at Bros Grimm put on a great event. I was glad to finally get the chance to play in one of theirs. Food was grilled up in back throughout the day for the players, and the first place trophy (a golden skull) looked awesome!

Once the playing started I was too busy doing random movement for my 18 fanatics to walk around and take pics of the other battles, but I got some pics of a few of the other armies before everything started and some pics from my three games.