Monday, April 15, 2013

Dark Elf Driders?

Looking for feedback on a possible converstion for dark elf dark riders. 
Okay I'm going to do something different and put the massive introductary wall of text at the end of the post and get right to the pictures I want feedback on.  I just slapped this together - there's been no attempt to cover joints or smooth transitions with green stuff.  I'm just looking to see if this even works, because I don't want to devote more time to something (and destroy more daemonette and spider bodies) if I end up not liking the finished result. 

I need about 250 more points of core to make my dark elf army legal for the 1600 - 2500 point range that pretty much all tournaments and leagues are in. (Right now I have 400 pts of dark elf crossbowmen)
I have a couple of options for doing this without spending lots of money on new boxes since A) I don't have any extra money now, and B) I'm really to work with stuff  I already have and cut down on my unpainted models without getting more stuff.
Option one is to go with the themed base inserts to grow the crossbowmen by another 50 percent, but I don't want to do that for a couple of reasons. One is that so far I've used that trick with Chaos, Beastmen, Undead, Skaven, and Orcs and Goblins (and will be using it with Lizardmen). And it works there I think because it looks good and makes sense to have these guys just moving as a disorganized mob through woods, graveyards, etc, so that while on the one hand it cuts down on how many times I have to buy and paint the same model and allows me to do more creative stuff,, it also looks really good on the field, fits the character of the army, and allows you to see more of the detail of the models not in the front row.  With dark elves (especially dark elf crossbowmen) none of those things really apply. They DO look like they should be in a regimented rank and file unit.  They're only in two ranks anyway, so nothing's really getting lost in the thick of the unit, and their look is so static and uniform, it doesn't really matter if you can't see the detail of the guy in back because he looks exactly the same as the guys in front.
So my other option is to makes me some dark riders, which I think would actually give the list more versitility than another 20 crossbowmen anyway.  I had thought for a long time about doing driders for the dark elves, especially after the skull pass set came out and you got all those nice plastic spider riders.  I also have most of a box of daemonettes that I have only used two of the bodies of, and some dark eldar hellion bits and other stuff.
So let me know what you think of this, becuase again, I only want to proceed with it if it's something that I think I'll want to keep using in the army even if they eventually release plastic dark riders. I'm not going to do that much for just a stop gap measure - I'd rather just suck it up and buy another two boxes of crossbowmen at that point.

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