Thursday, June 27, 2013

Battle for Salvation; 16 weeks and counting

Now that I have my flight booked and am registered for this year's Battle for Salvation GT October in Nyack, NY, and also now that I've taken all of my licensure tests and am now kind of sitting back and waiting for results and callbacks for jobs I've applied to, I've decided to start working on the army I'm planning on using.  I've mentioned the Kabal of the Snake Headed Mountain in a few other posts previously, as I've been working on my Masters of the Universe themed dark eldar for almost the past two years now.

I've done some work this week and here is where I stand with 16 weeks to go.  I figure I'll do a new post at the end of each week to show how I'm progresssing.

I've started working on all of the hellions this week and while I'm probably only a third of the way in on them so far I'm really liking how they're coming out.  They're totally selling the Masters of the Universe theme with those colors and really do look like toys from the 80s.

Everything Else:
 Basically the last time we saw them all, with Merman and Faker standing proudly among the rest of the half painted and half sculpted wracks, trueborn, and kabalite warriors.  The pieces of the Roton (which will serve as venom transports) are still being worked on, although I've made the first mold so far with the pieces that were finished.  And them below are the other vehicles I have so far, two OOP raiders which will transport the wracks, and the two newer ones to carry the warrior units.  I still have to eventually pick up another raider and a trio of ravagers,

The Symbol:
Finally sat down and drew the symbol for the KotSHM, which is basically the silhuette of Snake Mountain from the old 80's cartoon.
I may take a little off the bottom so that it's more evenly distributed making it fit better on things.  I plan to have it on all the sails on the skimmers, on the wings of the Hellions and I may even do another Chessex order and have some dice with the symbol.

Snake Mountain:
Right now all I've got is a kind of a sort of a sketch.
I'll be doing some more detailed sketches in the next couple of weeks.  I already figured out the maximum size I can make it to get it up north.  I'm going to have to make it in three stackable pieces which can be packed in a suitcase.
Right now I'm shooting to have the hellions, warriors raiders, and half of the wracks done by the end of July and have the roton molds made, and then spend the next three months focusing on Snake Mountain, the Ravagers, rotons, and the rest of the wracks and trueborn.

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